Family matters


A few weeks ago Adrian Underhill gave a talk about the work of the Hands up Project at an online event in the UK. Anyone who's ever seen Adrian talk at a conference will know that he is a real innovator in our field and is always exploring new ways of working. At the end of the talk when people were asking about ways of getting involved in the Hands up Project, he suggested that families in the UK might like to connect to a family in Palestine for informal meetings to share something about their lives.

I think this is a brilliant idea and so did one of the participants, Katy it seems as she got in touch with us that very evening. We've now arranged the first meeting between her family and Raja's family in Gaza. Here are their introductory videos. We look forward to hearing how they got on when they write a joint blog post about it next week.

Of course we'd love to extend this idea to families all over the world. Please get in touch with us at if you'd like to be involved in a link up like this.