Memory games for language learning


This week's post is by longterm Hands up Project volunteer in Gaza, and winner of last year's remote theatre competition, Sahar Siam. You can see Sahar using some of her memory activities in her weekly grade 6 Facebook live session here

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To recall or to remember are at the bottom of the cognitive pyramid according to Bloom's famous theory. Yet, they are the essence of all the other higher skills.

Memory games are one of the best ways to enhance students' basic skills; as they require the players to use their memories to complete the game. They are highly related to the area for short term memory area in our brains. In this way, they are provide a boost to improving concentration, attention to detail and visual discrimination.

That's why they are like the teacher's magic wand. They are really flexible to suit any kind of topics: vocabulary, grammar, reading or writing and there are great alternatives to consider while designing these memory games.  They could be spot the differences, finding a link between two related items, or completing the missing parts.

They are also an enjoyable and exciting way to provide brain fitness for different audiences.  You can make it simple for younger learners or more complicated for adults. With the right memory game, students can improve their problem- solving skills since some of these games require students to arrange things, think ahead and plan their next step to advance.

In short, it's beyond doubt that memory games have unique benefits. The earlier students start with them, the better their brain fitness will be.

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