Where in the world is your doll?


World Doll Day may be over, but it's never too late to share the joys and moments of your special doll or puppet. Volunteer Manuela Kelly Calzini invites you to share stories - real or imagined - of your travelling dolls!

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On 9th June we celebrated, together with our volunteer storytellers, World Doll Day with a very Special Story:

“Kafka and the travelling doll” is a lovely story, penned by Jordi Sierra I Fabra.

Once, not twice, not three times but Once upon a time Franz Kafka was walking through Steglitz Park, in Berlin on his daily walking route. Suddenly he heard something, it was someone crying. He turned around and saw a little girl crying heartbroken. She had lost her doll.

Franz helped the little girl to look for the doll. They looked everywhere, under benches, behind trees and even by the pond. The girl was even more heartbroken. Franz, in an attempt to comfort the little girl, told her that the doll was probably away on a trip. This made the little girl cry even harder. Franz reassured the little girl and told her not to worry, because he was a dolls’ postman and he was sure that the doll would send her a letter. He told the little girl that he would meet her the next day at the same place, at the same time to deliver and read the letter to her.

The next day came, and sure enough Franz was at the same place, at the same time with the letter from the doll. He read the letter to her:

Please do not cry, and don’t be sad. I’ve gone on a trip to see the world. I’ll write to you of my adventures.”

This was the beginning of many meetings and many letters. When Franz and the little girl met he read her the letters of the adventures of the beloved doll.

For three weeks Frank focused exclusively on the doll’s letters and delivered them to the little girl every day, at the same time and at the same place.

When the meetings came to an end, Kafka presented her with a doll. She obviously looked different from the original doll, but an attached letter explained:

my travels have changed me… “

Many years later, the now grown girl found a letter stuffed into a pocket of the treasured doll’s dress. In summary it said:

Everything that you love, you will eventually lose, but in the end, love will return in a different form.”

Where in the world is your doll?

Where in the world is your doll?

The Hands Up Project would like you to share your memories and stories, and tell us about your puppet or doll (past or present) that you've been gifted with! Gather together any photos, video, voice recordings, and a short written description of your doll or how you're celebrating the Summer time and post them on the Padlet page here:


Don’t forget to keep checking and see what everyone has to say about their travelling dolls! We’re really looking forward to hearing about their adventures!

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