Teaching English through Stories - In Gaza now


When I wrote ‘Stories Alive’ for British Council Palestine, I wanted to create some materials that could make learning fun through the telling of simple and familiar stories, whilst at the same time providing a framework for some quite controlled and memorable language learning activities.

I think I achieved these goals quite well and I’m proud of the fact that these materials have probably been used more widely than anything else I’ve ever written, especially in large classes all over Palestine.

But I’m most proud of the fact that the materials are being used right now in Gaza, against all the odds, by dedicated, resilient teachers who simply will not be stopped in their mission to provide quality English language teaching to children in Gaza.

Thanks to a wonderful organisation called HEAL Palestine we’re now able to provide those teachers with some basic equipment to support them in their work, and a basic salary to help to make ends meet in the appalling conditions in Gaza right now.

Here are some photos and videos of the work that Hanaa has been doing recently around the story of ‘The Lion and the Mouse’ God bless you Hanaa and all the Stories Alive teachers of Gaza!