Still images and language learning

Rereading some of the “oldie but goodie blogs”, I came across this one and thought how well it could work in some of the Zoom sessions that I’m doing with students connecting from home. Most of the activities suggested here would work in online groups, using a combination of breakout rooms and simple adaptations. In fact, I think I’ll try some this week..

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Nick BilbroughComment
One word, one world...

Here's another activity that will be going in 'The Remote Theatre Handbook' (again from the chapter on Physical Activities). We'd love to hear from you if you try it out with your own students. In the summer I ran a remote theatre taster course for English teachers from all over the world and the video below, demonstrating the activity, is from that course.

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United we stand, divided we fall

Here's another activity from our forthcoming, Remote Theatre Handbook, this time from the chapter on physical activities. As always we'd love it if you could try out the activity with your students, and give us some feedback. We'd especially like to have some video versions of students doing some of the 'body idiom' mimes, and, with permission of course, may be able to include these in the book.

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If socks could talk

We're all very excited at the Hands up Project about one of our new ventures. In collaboration with four language schools (in Croatia, Italy, Romania and Spain), we have been awarded an Erasmus plus KA2 grant from the European Union to create lots of free to access materials related to remote theatre.

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The 2020 Lockdown Theatre competition

Of course young people and teachers in Palestine have been creating and performing remote theatre pieces for quite a long time now and have become leaders in this emerging field. And while the rest of the world have been trying to catch up because of the corona pandemic, Palestinians involved in HUP have been busy creating a brand new genre of remote theatre which we're calling Lockdown Theatre.

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Unlike Captain Lawrence Oates on the Antarctic expedition circa 1912, the word “outside” may not hold much significance for you. “Where’s the cat?” “She’s outside.” “Leave your shoes outside - they’re covered in mud”. Outside denotes a general space.

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Your story... Our story

We're now approaching the end of The Hands Up Project certificate in Remote Theatre. It's been a great course. With teachers from Argentina, Canada, Czechia, Mexico, Palestine, Serbia, and Syria participating it's been really international and intercultural, and we've all learnt a lot about Remote Theatre - and indeed about its new variant with only one actor per webcam which we're calling Lockdown Theatre.

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Thirteen girls from around the world and four volunteers in a Zoom room.

The idea for today was to talk about our world and the changes we’d like to be a part of. We started small - talking about things we really like about our communities and things we’d really like to see changed in them. We went into our breakout rooms with one rule only - speak English. Of course, the tech glitched so I had the opportunity to talk to Hala about her community.

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