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Activities for new classes

Some good news... After almost five months off school, children in Gaza are going back to their classes tomorrow. There's going to be a period of revision to catch up on everything that they've missed during lockdown and then the regular semester will start again at the end of August.

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Read! Write! Act!

So finally in the midst of a world crisis, and after much deliberation and agonising decisions by the judges from around the world we are almost ready to announce the 18 winning plays of the 2019/2020 Hands Up Project Playwriting competition.

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Locked down but Looking Out..

There's no doubt that the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has thrown education around the world into chaos. According to UNESCO, 85% of the world's learners are not going to school right now. This means more than one and a half billion children are stuck at home!But as we know, out of chaos there can sometimes arise incredible creativity, especially where Palestine is concerned.

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