Posts in Uncategorized
Long live Facebook live...

Because of schools being closed in Palestine we can't do any of our regular link HUP ups via zoom so, until the situation changes, we're doing 3 Facebook live sessions a day from our Facebook page

The sessions are for Palestinian kids and they can access them from their own homes while they can't go to school. Here's the timetable.

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Stories and critical thinking

I was so looking forward to going to Gaza on Sunday to participate in the conference 'Creativity and Critical Thinking in ELT' organised by our advisory board member in Gaza, Rida Thabet. There were going to be lots of talks and workshops about this theme by Palestinian teachers, supervisors and education specialists and I was going to be doing a short talk myself called 'The power of story'.

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Poetry Please

The other day I was doing a very short session with Haneen Jadalla's drama group at Asma Prep B Girls UNRWA school Gaza when Haneen suddenly announced that two students would like to perform a poem to me.I love it when these kind of impromptu things happen in the sessions and what a great poem it was - by the Palestinian poet, Mahmoud Darwish.Here's the text of it.

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Story follow up activities

If you go to this playlist on youtube you'll find lots of ideas for things that can be done in online sessions with the young people that we serve. But there aren't so many examples there of whole 45 minute or one hour sessions (apart from this brilliant example by Alex and Sahar) Our new volunteers understandably have lots of questions about what a whole session might look like?

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Stop to be silly!

I've written lots of conference workshop abstracts over the years but this is probably my favourite ..The Communicative Approach has emphasised the need for realistic and authentic models of language, and for meaningful language use. But is this always the best way of making language accessible, interesting and memorable?

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Mantle of the expert in Gaza

I first heard about Dorothy Heathcote's Mantle of the Expert approach in educational drama about 20 years ago when I was doing my Masters degree at the University of Central England. It's heartening to see it being used to such great effect in UNRWA schools in Gaza. Here, one of the Hands Up Project's most creative and committed volunteers in Gaza, Haneen Jadalla talks about how she used it with teenage girls in a training session for teachers. Over to you Haneen...

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New versions of Palestinian remote plays

I've just returned to the UK from a week in Austria at the Salzburg Global Seminar on Education for refugees and migrants. It was a very stimulating event in stunning settings with educators from all over the world. Education specialist, Rida Thabet and I presented about our work in Gaza in UNRWA and the Hands Up Project.

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Uncategorized Comments
How to make a remote play

This week we have a post from Inas Younis Shurrab, a teacher of English based in Khan Younis Gaza, who has been involved in the Hands Up Project for a long time. Inas has written a report about the remote theatre training course for teachers that she recently conducted with 2 other experienced remote theatre specialists (Amani and Imad) from the South of Gaza.

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A feeling of missingness

All of us at the Hands Up Project are really pleased to welcome back our first ever volunteer, Alex Guzik after a long break from doing sessions. The reason for Alex's absence has a name and he can be seen in the picture in the blog. So congratulations Alex on the birth of your beautiful baby boy (also called Alex) and we are so glad to have you back...

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In their own write

I decided to write my first book for teachers, Dialogue Activities (CUP 2007), because of an idea which I think I’ve always been very interested in as a language teacher. This is the principle that when spoken language is written down by learners (as in when they create a dialogue for example) it can provide a slowing down of experience so that more noticing of language, and ultimately, more learning may happen.

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